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Because they have no sanitary protection, many girls in Northern Kenya are forced to drop out of school as a result of their monthly cycle. Rather than wasting money buying  you a present that you probably neither want, nor need, I have donated £100 in your name to give a safari tent to house a workshop to make re-usable sanitary pads for women and girls in Northern Kenya.


The Nkirreten Project project keeps girls in school, gives women and girls in the community a hygienic option during their cycle, and provides an income to the women making the pads. The Grevy’s Zebra Trust is currently supplying 20 schools in the Samburu region.


The pads are zebra-striped to ensure that the benefits of the project are associated directly with Grevy’s zebra. Successful Grevy’s zebra conservation is inextricably tied to the livelihoods of the people living with the zebras and this project showcases the link between their conservation and community health.


#GreatToGive #GreatToReceive

Keep Girls in School, create employment and protect zebras in Northern Kenya

  • Let us know the name of the person you are making your donation on behalf of, when you check out. We will make a personalised card for you to give them, and send it to you with an overview of what your donation will achieve.

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