Inspired by 18th Century French Literary salons, our carefully curated events are hosted in exceptional settings across London, turning private homes, galleries and work places into theatres of conversation and exchange. Our Salons bring together philanthropists, charities and experts for regular gatherings designed to stimulate debate and pose solutions to local and global development challenges, showcasing the importance of the Arts as a tool for social change.
Each Salon is hosted in a unique venue where members and guests gather to socialise and to hear from acclaimed speakers on a range of topical themes. Challenged and guided by our patron, Theodore Zeldin, those attending are encouraged to debate the issues of the evening and their wider relevance and to gather insights from each other.
Prospero World’s Giving Circle is open to all individuals with a committed interest in social enterprise, charities and philanthropy.
Prospero World’s Giving Circle is formed of select individuals who support our charitable aims with an annual donation towards our work. Giving Circle participants receive:
Priority invitations to our regular Salons and special events;
Invitation to Prospero World’s annual dinner;
Invitations to charity events that match your charitable interests;
Complimentary access to our existing research;
The opportunity to nominate charities to us to be researched and considered for inclusion in our database;
Regular news updates.
Please contact us if you would like to find out more about our Giving Circle or to attend a salon. Please note that owing to the ongoing pandemic, our Salons are currently on hold, but we look forward to welcoming you again soon.

“We are dedicated to surprise. We nourish conviviality. We give our members and guests the opportunity to meet those they do not know and talk about subjects they might never normally confront together….We cultivate the art of Conversation. We enjoy discussions in informal groups with people who have something important and unusual to say, but also one-to-one exchanges which allow us to get to know another person well. Instead of aimless chit-chat, we like combining our personal experience with that of others, so that we can advance beyond endlessly repeating the same opinions. We are constantly giving ourselves new and significant questions to think and talk about, but we value humour as well as learning. We aim to be useful in directing minds to many varied opportunities for helping those in need. Our goal is to expand the range and quality of philanthropic concern and charitable enterprise.”