Sustainable Fashion Campaign
by Prospero World
The Need
In a world where the garment industry is experiencing unparalleled and unsustainable growth, with the percentage of textile recycling at only 1%, we urgently need to reframe our attitude and habits around how we buy and wear our clothes.
The Solution
Prospero is launching #LoveMeForLife campaign to raise awareness about sustainable fashion choices and the impact of irresponsible purchasing behaviour on the environment. The campaign offers practical solutions and everyday tips for prolonging the life of our clothes and slowing down our consumption rates without having to sacrifice the beauty, the feel-good factor, reinvention or communication that comes with shopping for new clothes.
Why is Prospero doing this?
Our mission is to empower change through education, collaboration, and action. For over a decade, Prospero World has specialised in sourcing pioneering grassroots projects for philanthropists all over the world. One of the countries in which we worked and researched was the Philippines and it was during the course of that fieldtrip in 2010 that we were introduced to the power of the local fashion industry in its many incarnations: as an employer, producing world-class designers, pioneering social enterprises using recycling, use of natural fabrics and so forth. This early realisation of the ‘force’ of fashion, was the spark that led us to incorporate ethical fashion into our Creative Industries for Social Change Awards, two years ago, to support young designers who wished to grow their business alongside its social impact. Alongside with our programmes and research we aim to engage communities around us and spread the word about best practices in sustainable fashion through social media campaigning, community events and fashion pop-ups.
Why follow @prosperoarts and #LoveMeForLife campaign?
#LoveMeForLife will offer followers practical and simple steps all of us can take to be conscious fashion lovers, to love what we wear and feel fabulous! The campaign will also provide followers with carefully selected, useful facts and figures to help us all make better fashion choices. Finally @prosperoarts will highlight and celebrate the best practices in sustainable fashion and applaud those who are already doing a great job!