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The COVID-19 Response Fund

The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting us all, across the UK, and the world. We know that everyone is doing all they can to support those they love, and it has been extremely inspiring to see over 1,000,000 members of the public signing up to the NHS volunteer scheme and to help the most vulnerable members of our communities.

However, the UK charity sector estimates that it will lose £4.3 billion in income over 12 weeks as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many charities have had to reduce or stop their work at a time when vulnerable members of society need them most; thousands of staff have been placed on furlough and it is anticipated that many charities will not survive the next few months.

At Prospero World we are determined to support their efforts and champion those who are serving the most vulnerable. We are proud to launch our COVID-19 Response Fund, and to provide you with the opportunity to support a range of essential services around the capital. Please give generously in order to support the following through our Fund. Donations will be equally split between the charities below. 

We also offer a bespoke philanthropy consultancy service including the swift creation of Donor Advised Funds.  Please do get in touch if you have a specific cause in mind that you feel is in need of support right now.

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Frontline Medical Staff

You Okay, Doc? supports the mental health and wellbeing of our frontline medical staff. In response to COVID-19, You Okay, Doc? has launched The Huddle, a weekly virtual community supporting doctors, facilitated by mental health experts and guest speakers, with evolving topics to match the needs of frontline workers. You Okay, Doc? will also facilitate quality research into doctors’ mental health during COVID-19 and beyond.
All donations to the charity will support its current initiatives which are critical to supporting the mental health of our frontline workers. Funders are also invited to sponsor individual Huddle sessions with guest speakers, programmes for individual hospitals to receive the long term psychotherapist support or specific research topics. The charity believes that a mentally healthy doctor delivers the highest patient care. Our healthcare professionals have stepped into battle against COVID-19 crisis, and they need our support.


Those living in poverty


Sufra NW London is a registered charity [Reg No. 1151911] that addresses both the causes and consequences of extreme poverty, homelessness and social isolation in the community. Their emergency interventions and innovative courses provide a lifeline to people in crisis – empowering them to improve their wellbeing, learn new skills, find work and become financially stable.

They are responding to the Covid-19 pandemic by targeting the most vulnerable members in The London Borough of Brent and providing emergency food packages due to the 250% increase in demand, and delivering over 200 freshly cooked meals a day, primarily to people in temporary accommodation who are currently experiencing homelessness.

Every £10 you give will provide an emergency food parcel to someone in desperate need, while £50 will feed and supply a family of four. This includes nappies, milk and nutritious food for babies – essential needs for a family with children.


Victims of Domestic Abuse

Aanchal Women's Aid alleviate the suffering of women and children from domestic abuse, and support them to rebuild positive healthy lives. They work in South East London where they provide services within three streams:


  1. RESCUE: Stop the Violence (Front Line Crisis Response)

  2. REBUILD: Heal and Empower (Emotional Support, Healing Groups, Empowerment Sessions, Skill-Building Programmes)

  3. REHABILITATE: Educate and Prevent (Community Inclusion, Institutional and Community Awareness, Training, Personal Development, Personal Effectiveness)


During the COVID-19 pandemic, there is more need than ever for their work. The UK’s largest domestic abuse charity, Refuge, reported a 700% increase in calls to its helpline in a single day.
Aanchal's staff are working remotely from their homes, providing services through a 24 Hour Helpline, and holding face to face meetings through Zoom. Those in need can also access support through Aanchal's website, where there are separate referral links for users and professionals.
The Aanchal team are also taking emergency supplies to service users where necessary and are keen to stress that they are following social distancing guidelines.



The Elderly

In Ealing, the group BEfriend helps tackle loneliness by linking socially isolated pensioners with volunteers. They have needed to cease all face-to-face visits for now, but are providing regular telephone support and running an emergency food fund.
The Fund is supporting the the most isolated and vulnerable people in Ealing who do not have any family to support them, are not able to order online groceries, and do not have access to cash. Without BEfriend's support, these people would not have access to food.
They say:
"We have ceased all face-to-face visits for now, but are providing regular telephone support. We are also providing support with shopping for people who are the most isolated. The best way to refer someone who needs support during this crisis is through or call 020 8825 7170."

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Prospero World is a UK Registered Charity: 1163952 .

© Prospero World 2024

Offices in London, England.


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